Step five: Those little red spots are each a pixel each. Step four: Zoom in as far as you can, I think the max is about 1000 percent.
Do not do this with any other program, Paint does everything you need it to do here. Since you haven't loaded a tile up yet there shouldn't be all that much in there, a text file and an image. Step two: Go to 'My Documents>SimCity 4>Regions>whatever you named it. Large is the best, because small and medium can't give you much, in all honesty You can also make the tiles small, medium, or large. A five by five will keep you having fun for a long time. Some people have ten by ten because of this, although you are going to want a stronger computer for that. New Chandler is six large tiles by six large tiles. The Region Hack allows you to make your region as big or as small as you want it, or in any strange shape. I hope this serves something useful to you, it does to me. Both, to me, change the game as much as the NAM does. I just learned about the screen resolution one. Many people probably already know the region hack. Hopefully I posted this at the right spot, this shows you two pretty simple ways you can change the game configuration to make it awesome.